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Opportunity Zones

     Omega is looking for investors who need to avoid huge taxation by investing in a new infrastructure that shall be built to update and interconnect with our disintegrating infrastructure, privatizing the LC's and its contribution. Reestablishing the USA's manufacturing base with products and services of the Little Cities. By using the Opportunity Zones for real estate acquisition, we are able to provide incentives for the digital infrastructure network for our Limited Partners, before we launch the IPO, providing them additional value for their investment. 

    The Tax Cut and Jobs Act of 2017 initiated Opportunity Zones (Real Estate Property) in just about every Inner and Rural community throughout the USA. It was created to get private investment in "low income" areas. Typically, in downtown locations, however at Midnight on December 31, 2021, the tax write offs and credit will cease to exist. In order to for the investors to qualify creating tax havens and providing incentives to rebuild our economy we must meet that deadline.  All of the initial Limited Partners will have board seats and be able to take advantage of the Omega's Parenting Company for the LC's and its IPO.

Limited Partners Benefits

The Little City IPO

Omega believes it can replicate the LC 520 times within the next 4 years, creating 13 gateways connecting 26 major cities, during its expansion process. Omega Limited Partners will manufacture 3 versions of the LC and warehouse them for the construction process. Omega's workforce will be duplicated, while promoting those who show the ability to manage future developments to expedite its construction process, systems orientation and R & D, through hand-on training platform and SGIDS, with manufacturing and technology advancement. 

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