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How we Fund the (SGIDS) Solutions

To create the Smart Grid Infrastructure Distribution System (SGIDS) a coalition must be formed with Leaders of the USA and Omega Investments to create the Parenting Company that will build and retrofit Little Cities(LC's) within Inner and Rural communities. The Leaders of the USA shall rebuild our society by creating a local networking solution to with stand the corruption we face today systematically using large corporation to eliminate our Constitution and God give values within the 21st Century.  The LC's have a unique smart digital and commodities distribution systems that supports local communities and their citizens providing them an equity interest in the real estate, thereby providing tax payers stock with dividends to offset cost for water, electricity, and digital services. The stock is traded on NASDAQ allowing for its growth in the LC's expansion and the conversion from the industrial age to the digital age creating high paying jobs through hands on training, similar to the Military.  This creates the 21st Century Infrastructure for the betterment of our citizens. Duplicating the process through a franchise system that can be implemented within the next decade. The purpose of the LC is to grow the vision of space exploration and the creation of manufacturing for all products used in the LC's. Thereby bringing together the world in the creation of jobs through the building of the SGIDS and its R & D for star ships, usable infrastructures, and the future of mankind. Eliminating racist theorist and bringing society together and Earthman as one people.  

Lawrence Jasper vision is very similar to president Trump's to create Jasper III Corporation in a Private Public Partnership (PPP) to oversee Omega Limited Partners and their patents, products and services offered through the Little City franchise platform. The creation of the LC and its commercial property formed within the Little City developments shall be put into real estate investment trust (REIT) to support the Private Public Partnership (PPP) with the Federal and State Governments contribution, while the people on Social Security shall become automatic share owners within the Publicly traded Jasper III Corporation.  This entitles Baby Boomber's to dividends on a quarterly period basis  providing them bonuses on their standard government check. The REIT shall be traded on Nasdaq for anyone who wants to be apart the Smart Grid Distribution Infrastructure (SGDI) systems, including foreign governments. The Private investors see profits from the construction process and the ROI's created by technology in regards to the commodities generation by the franchisee's within the Little Cities.

  • Omega shall bring together the Investors to purchase the property and create the initial funding of the project. 

  • Omega shall train the franchisee for the oversight of the operation, market the construction of the commercial and residential.

  • Omega shall market the Little City Franchise and duplicate its operation within the State of Michigan 40 times after the development of the prototype. 

  • Omega shall create the educational platform for the newly created jobs for its operations and its Master Limited Partners attached to its franchises.

  • Omega shall run the Automated Intelligence (AI) system overseeing the needs of its communities and the production of the Green, Nano, and Aerospace products to include: Nano Telecommunications, Newly manufactured RBC's out of plastic for waste water distilling and Nano filters for its purification, oversight for the Interconnecting transit and commodities distribution, medical observations for its elders and the Little City's security on  each site.

  • Omega shall hire at least 20% of the military for its positions

  • Omega shall only use American made products and materials for the SGDI development, except for those corporations that create new jobs in the USA by building a manufacturing plant.

  • Omega shall work with the State and Federal government in accordance to the Private Public Partnership (PPP).

  • Omega shall develop 5 models for its franchise like Costco or Walmart providing expansion process by warehousing construction material for mass production, duplicating the first gateway into 13 total gateways connecting 26 Major Cities throughout the USA within 4 years, and connect them within 6 years using the REIT to leverage cost and construction.

  • Omega shall create the 21st Century Infrastructure to last the next 300 years.

  • Omega will invest in Space Exploration and create a competitive environment for the franchisees rewarding with bonuses for product development and innovation.

Jasper III Corporation Particapation

President Trumps vision is to support the working class and in doing so we must rebuild our crumbling infrastructure, without charging the public, while creating high paying jobs in the computer age, using ​cross education and hands on training solution for our citizens who have lost their job, working 2 or 3 jobs, or those who do not have the necessary experience in technology, app's, computers, IT. Thereby training for any operational application of the SGDI systems. The meaning behind America First, something that gives every US citizen an advantage in the World Wide economies. 

  • The President must initiate a Memorandum and executive order to form the PPP for the SGDI systems.

  • The Executive Order shall establish a Infrastructure Bank through funds within the budget used for Social Security benefits.

  • The Secondary Funding shall be used for the REIT of the commercial property  associated with Little City franchises and the Mass Transit Structure. 

  • The Federal Government shall provide the States with additional funds for Mass Transit used in the development of the SGDI systems and the repairs for the present US highway and its upgraded development.

  • The interest in the repayment of the Secondary Loan provided by the Federal Government shall go towards Social Security benefits.

  • The taxing of the commodities distributed through the conduit system of the Mass Transit system and Little Cities will be split between the Federal, State, County and local Cities equally.The

  • Little City Franchise must use its duplicated systems, construction, and implementation of its operations with State and Cities throughout the country, just like the US highways. 

  • The US government will aid low income people and give priority to those who are working with a Little City and/or a supplier Teir 1, 2, or 3 to get those high paying jobs, and provide grants for them who graduate from the Trade schools.

  • The building of the SDGI systems must be through American Companies with American Technology, and US Citizens, unless an agreement is made to build a plant in the USA by a foreign company for its technology, however any company working with the development of the SGDI must have a minimum of 80% US citizens in its workforce.

Federal Participation

The State of Michigan has approved the Maglev Transit system through its congress and has had public hearings in its major cities with a bipartisan board, and got its approval. Other States will have to do the same, before it can be used on US highways in their States. Therefore, the first of Jasper's Gateway shall be built from Pontiac to Detroit (prototype) then Indianapolis, Indiana. (400 miles)


  • Mr. Jasper the CEO of Omega Investments and the creator of the Little City franchise was given approval to build the Maglev in the State of Michigan; by its Transportation department.

  • In the development of funding the Mass transit and commodities distribution system in 2012; it was determined a centralized operation was needed to duplicate benefits, systems, and cost to manufacture and construct it.

  • Each State must get approval to use its highways and US highway within its territory. therefore, the first of Jasper's Gateway will be built from Pontiac to Indianapolis, Indiana.

  • The Governor of each State must implement an executive order with a memorandum that supports their municipalities, country and state operations use the Little City's franchised utilities and commodities.  

  • Each municipality will see a 30% reduction the cost of running its operations, which should be applied to rebuilding a safety funds, and more benefits to its local citizens.

  • Each State will provide brownfield tax incentives, grants, and other tax incentives to manufacturing that is associated to the development of the SGDI systems through the PPP entered with Jasper III Corporation, the holder of the Little City franchise, and the Federal Government.

  • Each State will provide speedy bonding and zoning approvals for the SGDI systems for the "Pillars of Society" (The Little City Franchise).

State's Participation

The SGDI (Smart Grid Distribution Infrastructure) system incorporates brick and mortar structures called the Little City franchises, connected with a Maglev Mass Transit system along the US Highways. The Little City's are built on multiuse parcels supporting our communities with technology advanced systems. Our elders need medical, housing, entertainment all while providing our government  municipalities with reduced cost for green energy (electricity), purified water, mass transit, and Digital WI FI and fiber optic solutions. The citizens that surround the Little City enjoy discounted digital services with high quality products and standards, cross educational platforms for new jobs development, and technology advanced applications for manufacturing, and the future growth of its local industries. The Federal Government establishes a new revenue stream for Social Security platforms for our US citizens. Refilling those funds and providing dividends through the REIT created with the PPP. Also without increasing taxes, but by the interest paid on the secondary loans provided for the Little City's franchise and the percentage leased commercial property within or attached to the Little City, establishing the REIT and growing it as you expand operations. Finally, the Little City franchises incorporate the Maglev Distribution system's cost within its mortgage, providing the 21st Century infrastructure. 

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